The wonderful library manager at the Crestview Library offered a space and encouraged me to display my artwork for
Food Trucks For Birds. It will be installed for the month of March 2023. It wasn’t in my original plans but it’s a great
I have produced a series of oil paintings and botanical colored pencil drawings for this exhibit. The proceeds will go
towards Food Trucks For Birds and more artwork for each state up the coast for US Highway 1 Key West to Maine.

Florida Artwork
This is a series of original oil paintings from Florida. There are a few images from each part of the state. I will compete the series of 16 and post them for sale on the website. The proceeds will go towards Food Trucks For Birds.
Other states from Florida to Maine – TBA – I am working on a series of 16 paintings for each state as time and money allow the travel. Please consider a purchase to support this project and to help the birds on the migration highway !