Registered Food Trucks
This is the page for the people who want to register as a Food Truck For Birds (on the migration highway). As soon as my parents heard about my idea, they iimmediately insisted on being Food Truck #1. I helped them install a food truck of native plants and shrubs. Even though, their property has many natives, we installed a few more.
This page will give you an idea of the registeration process. It will evolve in time. For now I need to keep it simple. If a web designer would like to donate some time and expertise to this project, we can make a fancy page.
It’s up to you to determine your level of privacy. I respect your wishes. Or, if you would simply like to follow on the socials above – that’s awesome.
I am looking forward to seeing your food trucks!

Keffer Family
Food Truck for Birds #1 Florida Niceville, FL
My family property has a yard full of natives. I helped my parents create a specific location with native plants together. I have included the photo to the right. It will be growing roots over the winter and shoots over the summer. That’s how plants work.