
Florida Planting Plans



The Atlantic Flyway for birds is the entire state of Florida. It’s not just down US Highway 1. Each planting zone and area has a specific native planting plan. Scroll down for a
pdf to start identifying the birds. The E-Bird app is also very helpful. Keep in mind a couple of important items.


* Many plants listed have a wide range.
* Be mindful of coastal areas. The plants need to be salt tolerant
* Each plan has many choices.
* Many of the plants can also be in pots for rentals.
* Just have fun! Choose a few plants and give it try!


If you have any issues with the downloads from the website, just call or email Tricia. She would be happy to email it directly to you.



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10 + 5 =

Food Truck Bird

Key West Native Plants


Many plants in the Keys range across all of the plant zones. It’s a win for the birds to just plant at least three natives together. The geology changes in the Keys from Key Largo limestone to Miami Oolite. It’s hard as a rock. Please carefully read all safey instructions.

If you want to be specific to a particular Key with a particular genetic componet, I suggest a consult with a park ranger Janice Duquesnel at Windley Key.

Green Buttonwood Tree

Florida Keys Native Plants


Many plants in the Keys range across all of the plant zones. You may want to download both sets of plans for the Keys. Also be sure to choose salt tolerant plants for a waterfront property.

If you want to be specific to a particular, I suggest a consult with a park ranger Janice D at Windley Key. However, it’s a win for the birds to just plant at least three natives together.

Food Truck Bird

South Florida Native Plants


Most plants have a wide range from South Florida to the Florida Keys and Key West. I am offering a variety of plants and ideas across these three plans. You may want to download the others to choose for your particular property. In South Florida, the geology is hard a rock. You’ll need to take extra care installing your plants.

Many of them can also be grown in pots too.


Live Oak Tree

Gainesville - Central Florida Native Plants


The plants across Central Florida can usually be grown from Gainesville to Tampa and farther south too. I have created a few planting plans for your consideration. Keep in mind the freeze factor in this region. And, along the coastal areas (east and west coasts) that salt tolerant plants will thrive better. If in doubt, the UF extension services can offer assistance too.

Food Truck Bird

Tampa Inland Area Native Plants


Central Florida is unique. It’s tropical and it can still have a few days of freezing weather conditions. I created a separate coastal plan with suggested plants for salt tolerance.  Consider how close you are to a body of water when choosing plants

Food Truck Bird

Tampa Coastal Area Native Plants


In Central Florida (west and east coast), salt tolerance should be a consideration in your plant selection. I have added a plan with room for other suggestions. You may also want to download a South Florida and Gainesville plan too. It depends on how far north or south and the potential for freezing weather.

Live Oak Tree

North Florida Inland areas Native Plants


North and South Florida are different in ecologies, geologies, and climates. The panhandle (North and Northwest) Florida can freeze. It’s almost tropical but not quite. The trees grow taller due to the geology and soils. I have added two plans: inland and coastal. You may find the correct plants for your property in either one.


Northwest Florida Beaches

North Florida Coastal Areas Native Plants

North and south Florida are different in ecologies, geologies, and climates. The panhandle (North and Northwest) Florida can freeze. The coastal areas from The Big Bend to Pensacola Beach should consider salt tolerance and spray. I have added a few easy breezey coastal plants for your consideration.

Northwest Florida Beaches

Identify migrating and local birds

This pdf is coming soon. I’ll list the common birds flying through Florida and some local ones too. The E-Bird app is also very helpful in the meantime. The Audubon Society is also an excellent resource

Tricia Keffer

Tricia Keffer

Founder, PLA, MLA Landscape Architecture, FNGLA Horticulture professional

Happy Day! I look forward to connecting with my clients on their social platforms and LinkedIn. I’ll include a bit about myself here. I love art (of course) my inspiration is Claude Monet. I enjoy walks, biking , and being on the water.

I love arranging my own landscape property with plants and structures too. Maybe I’ll post a few here in thenext couple of months