Register a Bird Food Truck

Register Your Food Truck for birds

Florida Plants for Birds


The idea for registering your food truck plants is inspired from the Free Little Library concept. So many times free educational content is offered to the public but there is little to no follow through. We all deserve credit for doing something good for ourselves and Mother Earth.

The Food Truck installation plans are always free and no obligation. If you would like to join our community of food trucks, there are two ways to connect.

Social Media

If you would only like to follow on social media and share images of the bird visits or the plants you install, hashtag it #FoodTrucksForBirds or #FoodTrucksBirdsMigrationHighway then follow our socials to share and enjoy the love of nature. 

Tricia is online Friday afternoons to comment, share, and like everyone’s images and successes.

Food Trucks For Birds


Choose your level of privacy. If you simply want an anonymous mention on the website, for example anonymous, Key Largo, FL. I’m cool with it.

  • Name and city along with your Food Truck number
  • Name, address, and blog with your Food Truck number
  • It’s up to you how much to share about your food trucks
Paradise Palm Valparaiso FL food truck for birds



  • 3 plants, trees, or shrubs earns one gold star
  • Each bird feeder or bird bath earns one gold star
  • If you add more trees and shrubs in “three” then you’ll earn more gold stars
  • 25 trees and shrubs is SILVER
  • 50 trees and shrubs is GOLD
  • 70 trees and shrubs is PLANTIUM


3 + 6 =



It begins at Mile Marker Zero in Key West, Florida. The journey is to follow the Atlantic Fyway for the bird biannual migration path along US 1. Keep in mind, it’s birds. They tend to follow the path but it’s wider than this highway. 

There are four bird flyways in North America. The Atlantic, Pacific, and Midwest routes. Birds tend to circle the Gulf of Mexico too. The return journeys can be slightly different. 

A journey begins with a thousand steps. You’re at the beginning with this. 

There is much research and information out there to help the birds. Tricia would like to make it fun and enjoyable hence the monikor – Food Trucks for Birds on the migration highway! 

We would love to have you cruise along with us on this highway in the sky. Please share and show everyone that together we can help the birds. 

Florida Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hashtag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdsOnTheMigrationHighway

Tricia has completed the native planting plans for Florida. She is working her way up the US
Highway 1 to Maine. Check back this summer for more planting plans. The registrations will


become available as she completes the plans.  Her goal is to offer them and compete this task

by the end of 2025. Thank you for your patience. This is her volunteer effort. It’s completed in her
spare change time. If you have an suggestions, please feel free to email her. She blocks time on
Friday afternoons to respond. 

Georgia : Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hashtag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdsOnTheMigrationHighway

South Carolina: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hashtag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdsOnTheMigrationHighway

North Carolina: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hashtag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdsOnTheMigrationHighway

Virginia: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hashtag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdsOnTheMigrationHighway

West Virginia: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

Washington DC: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

Maryland: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

Pennsylvania: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

New Jersey: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

New York State: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

Connecticut: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

Delaware: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

Massachusetts: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

Vermont: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

Maine: Food Trucks For Birds

Each state will have it’s own page for your free Food Truck for Birds listing. If you would like to follow us on social media please use a hastag #FoodTrucksForBirds and #FoodTrucksForBirdson the migrationhighway

Food Trucks for Birds:

How it all works. When you register your food truck you’ll receive a plaque (small fee -optional) to place at your three shrubs and trees. The number system will follow the google map for US Highway 1 from Key West to Maine. For example:

Florida Keys:  KW001

Florida Keys: Marathon  MA101

Florida Keys: Islamorada   ISA101

Florida Keys: Key Largo  KL101

South Florida: (city optional) 101

Central Florida (city optional) 101

North Florida (city optional) 101 – Keffer Homestead is the founding Food Truck for this area

After Florida has a Food Truck route established, I’ll start with Georgia.

Donation Request – If there is a small business that would like to help with the outdoor plaques for the Food Trucks, please call or email me.